The education system has made a paradigm shift since the deadly Pandemic (COVID 19). Learning has entirely shifted from classroom mode to online mode. As schools and colleges are still in the process of reverting to classroom teaching, learning through online mode would be the most conducive option for your kids.
Adapting to the new way of learning
Speaking in the context of the children, they have come a long way in getting themselves adjusted to the current situation. Your kids are gradually learning to be familiar with the new way of learning.
Although online classes for kids might not be a new thing, adopting it as a full-time exercise is a bit painful task for them.
It is undeniable that classroom education is always far better for your kids than merely taking online classes. I believe, your children learn in a much better way while being at school for the following reasons:
Advantages Of Classroom Learning Over online classes
Better student-teacher Interaction
- There is one to one teacher-student interaction where your children can anytime put up a question to clear their doubts. It sometimes gets converted into an elaborate discussion and hence more clarity on the concepts.
- Whereas this seems a little difficult to achieve during online classes as your kids might not be used to this change. It might also make them apprehensive to come out naturally with their doubts.
Learning by doing
- Your children learn better when they do it themselves. Subjects like science, home science, art, and craft can only be learned explicitly by doing it practically. Whereas through online classes, it can be demonstrated only to an extent.
- Teaching is more systematic and organized in the school, in terms of notes writing, practice work, and, subjective assessments.
Learning beyond the classroom, in school
- Not only the lessons and the curriculum, but your children learn a lot outside the classroom as well. Your children participate in various extracurricular activities like art, music, drama, etc; which helps them in their overall development.
- Indoor and outdoor sports competition also plays a vital role in your child’s mental and physical development. This is yet another advantage of classroom learning over learning online.
- Group activities like the Annual Day celebration, Science Exhibition, Annual Fest, etc, will help your children in developing a sense of teamwork and a feeling of cohesiveness with their team members.
- Various competitions with in the school as well as inter-school, like debates, quizzes, etc; will help your child to be in healthy competition and keep him motivated to excel in his endeavors.
- Besides that, most children like to mingle with their friends, which will help your children develop social skills.
- You will get the opportunity to interact frequently with your child’s teacher in school. It may not be convenient to do so incase online classes because of the shortage of time.
Yes, classroom teaching helps in the holistic development of your children
Pros and cons of online classes

But, as the situation demands, where you cannot avail the benefits of classroom learning, online classes for kids have distinct benefits and drawbacks:
Pros of online classes
- There is an ease of attending classes right from your home. In the current situation, where staying home is the safest option, online classes become very convenient when it comes to learning for your children.
- While your children’s teachers are trying their best to make the explanation of the lessons easy to understand, your children are also gradually getting adapted to the new way of acquiring the knowledge.
- Online classes do not encourage your children to compare their performance with others. Your children are likely to get in comparison and start competing with others when it comes to performance. Consequently, there is less likelihood for your children to get disappointed if they happen to scores not so well. It’s another merit worth mentioning.
Cons of Online classes
- Detailed explanation and brainstorming of the concepts might be possible only to an extent, due to inadequate time.
- On the flip side, online classes might not be as interactive as how it is during the classroom learning.
- The concepts taught are more often assessed objectively and not subjectively. As a result, your kids’ writing and describing skills are less likely to improve and might be difficult to assess.
- Your children are prone to eye strain and irritation due to prolonged expore to digital devices.
Though there are certain drawbacks of learning online for which you cannot do much; as parents, there are few things which you should not leave it unseen and unaddressed.
Take a look at how and what necessary changes you can make to provide your children with a conducive environment to pursue the online classes and help them utilize their time wisely.
How To Make Learning Online Easy For Kids

1. Let kids get familiar with the online platform
If your children are too young then they might not be familiar with the platform of learning online. Consequently, your kids might get anxious this is new for them.
Help them learn how to set up the educational app and let them explore the features of the vitual classroom it to get the hang of it.
2. Reduce the strain on eyes
Sitting continuously in front of a digital devices like a laptop, a phone, or a tablet, may cause strain and irritation to your children’s eyes. As it’s been more than a few months since full time online education has started, going on like this may further worsen it.
To reduce the starin on their eyes:
- Ask your children to blink their eyes pretty often, and not sit too close to the screen.
- If the teacher is simply reading the chapter, then ask your child to look into the book, keeping the audio on. These habits will resist straining the eyes.
- If their teacher sends them a study material, then give them the print outs of it rather than allowing them to study directly from their laptops.
- Once the online classes are over, ask your children not to further use mobiles and tablets to play games, as it may add more to their eye strain. Being surrounded by gadgets is unsafe, and you should strictly discourage them to use it excessively.
3. Minimize Attention Problem
You must have often noticed that your child is not able to sit continuously at one particular place and keep moving from one place to another. He or she might be finding difficulty in staying attentive for too long.
- Ask your child’s teacher to provide quick breaks between the sessions to make it easy for your child to be attentive.
- Find an area in your house where your kids can sit comfortably and focus.
- Make it separate to their relaxation space. Ideally away from a TV screen, or other distractions.

4. Encourage self-study
If your children are studying in middle school and above, then only online classes might not be sufficient for an in-depth understanding of the lessons. Encourage them to go through the chapters thoroughly for better precision.
Inspire them to be disciplined and focused so that they can derive the maximum benefit of online tutorials. Also, educate them time management skills, so that they utilize their time efficiently.
5. Be a vigilant parent
Make your children sit for classes in a calm and comfortable place, where they are not distracted more often and you too can keep a watch on their activities. I think there is no harm in being watchful towards them when it is only for their betterment.
6. Help them to be organized
Since your children may no more be used to following a routine for various related activities throughout the day like classroom learning, they might take this easy on them. Motivate your children to be organized and well prepared for the next day’s session beforehand. It will also help them in managing their time well.
7. Make them sleep early

Set a routine for your children and make them sleep on time. If they are sleep deprived, then chances are there that they might not be attentive in the sessions and a whole lot of effort may turn out to be futile.
8. Create a lively and interactive atmosphere at home
Try to provide a lively atmosphere at home as it will keep them active and boost their energies. They will feel more energetic and excited to pursue their activities.
Being parents, nobody can understand your children’s problems better than you in this regard. I believe this article benefited you to gain some insights into letting your children in a smooth transition.
Krishna is a Management graduate in Human Resource. She is an avid reader, knowledge seeker, and an adoring mother of two lovely kids.